
All pictures are copyright protected. My bird pictures can be used in certain non-profit, non-commercial cases, if my copyright credit is included: © Martin Lofgren / Wild Bird Gallery and you have received my consent via email. Only lawfully used images will be listed on the Publications page, see below:

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Wild Bird Gallery was initially created to document all the birds of the world, to aid in bird ID back in 2003. But after many other great initiatives such as the Macaulay library and implementations such as Merlin Bird ID I stopped uploading images from other contributors and now only upload my own images and sounds. I will remove sub-par images to improve the quality of the site. The focus is still on the identification of species down to sub-species, age, and sex if at all possible. Some of these species have sound recordings and in the future videos with sound.

GDPR Note that this site is a non-profit hobby of mine and the free Cookie prompt is not available for sites with this many pages. I have made use of Google Search as an alternative to the search page index.

1807 species & subspecies have been indexed with their scientific names, and the common english names as per the James F. Clements checklist and will be updated with Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology changes. First update in over 15 years will be during 2024 with the October 2023 update.


You can search for the bird using the search box at the top of every page. It does however not work for all species so you can also search using the birds English or Scientific name from the search page. This index will be updated in 2024. You can translate a birds name from your local language or find the scientific name using Knutas search or Google search.


I will add my very best images here.


Here I will add information that I make use of when I plan my birding/photography trips as well as my own trip reports.

Birders code of ethics is something I strongly believe in. Where ever you go I hope you adhere to these ethical principals.


This is where I share my recommendations on equipment. I have birded for 40 years and photographed just as long so I hope I have accumulated some wisdom to share (even though it might get outdated in a year or two)!...check the date stamps at the top of each page for when I last updated it.