Publications featuring my photos:

Birds of Argentina and Uruguay, A field guide (16th Edition) - "Aves de Argentina Y Uruguay, Guía de identificación" by Tito Narosky, Dario Yzurieta. Contact Roberto Güller (2010).

Book to "Bañados del Rio Dulce y Laguna Mar Chiquita", Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Córdoba, Argentina. Contact Dr. Enrique H. Bucher (2007).

Bird list "Lista das espécies migratórias brasileiras" for CEMAVE (National Research Center for Birds Conservation), a division of IBAMA (Brazilian Institute for Environment and Natural Resources). Contact Getúlio Freitas (2006).

Cabo Verde:
Environmental education game for Biosfera images of Pelagodroma marina. Contact Christian Morais (2022).

Poster for Biosfera images of Pelagodroma marina. Contact Ana Marta Jorge (2018).

Educational posters for Biosfera images of Bulweria bulwerii, Oceanodroma castro, Pelagodroma marina. Contact Régis (2014).

Alpine Swift for an article in Magazine QuébecOiseaux Québec, Canada. Contact Michel Préville (2014).

Calidris issue for the "Maritimes Shorebird Survey" in New Brunswick, Canada. Contact Isabelle Robichaud (2007).

Interpretive trail signs for "Pollett River Watershed Project" in Petitcodiac, New Brunswick, Canada. Contact Matthew Troy Steeves (2006).

Special seabirds issue by Boletin SAO. Contact Felipe Estela (2008).

Ross' Gull cover image in the October issue of Suomenselän Linnut 3-2012. Contact Esko Rajala (2012).

Vögel, "Yellow-billed Loon, summer". Contact Bianca Schilpp (2013).

DER SPIEGEL, "Common Cuckoo, female". Contact Karin Weinberg (2012).

Online article on, "Lesser Black-backed Gull". Contact Andreas Noeske (2009).

Online article on, "Wilson’s Storm-Petrel Oceanites oceanicus off Europe". Contact Andreas Noeske (2007).

Online article on Jaunasis tyrejas, "Eurasian Blackbird ". Contact Dalia Ignatjeva (2013).

Fieldguide to the birds of Lithuania "LIETUVOS PAUKŠČIŲ PAŽINIMO VADOVAS". Contact Vytautas Jusys (2012).

Booklet to National Park "Barranca del Cupatitzio" in Uruapan, Michoacan, Mexico. Contact Felipe Elvira (2006).

Bird guide to "Poza de La Arenilla" in La Punta, Callao, Lima, Peru. Contact Noema Cano Flores (2006).

Obsplats Stora Rör, 2014. Observation platform with my image of a flying Brant. Contact Staffan Rodebrand (2014).

Fåglar i Närke, issue#: 2, 2011 (NOF). Contact Åke Lorin (2011).

Roadrunner, Cover image for the issue#: 2, 2008 ( Contact Hans Bister, Magnus Corell (2008).

Roadrunner, Cover image for the issue#: 4, 2007 ( Contact Hans Bister, Magnus Corell (2007).

Roadrunner, Cover image for the issue#: 4, 2006 ( Contact Hans Bister, Magnus Corell (2006).

Book "The Storm-Petrels", Contact Dr Rob Thomas (2023).

Book "EUROPE'S BIRDS", Contact Brian Clews (2021).

Book "BRITAIN'S BIRDS", Contact Brian Clews (2016).

British Birds, June 2013, Vol. 106 (British Birds - South Polar and Great Skua ID/moult). Contact Dick Newell (2013).

British Trust for Ornithology magazine, image of Icelandic Redwing (BTO News). Contact Su Gough (2011).

Elements magazine, image of Yellowhammer (defra). Contact Laura Goodall (2011).

ARKive, image of Elanoides forficatus forficatus ( Contact Charlotte Young (2009).

Book "Petrels Night & Day A Sound Approach Guide". Contact Magnus Robb (2008).

BirdsEye App, "Zino's Petrel". Contact Oscar Johnson (2014).

American Birding Association's Birder's Guide, "Zino's Petrel". Contact Amy Davis (2013).

Bicknell's Thrush image for The Conservationist for Kids magazine, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in New York State. Contact Frank Herec (2013).

Black Tern image for interpretive, informational signs about invasive phragmites financed by Ducks Unlimited’s Great Lakes/Atlantic Regional Office in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Contact Ryan Martin (2012).

Presentation on "Bird Use of Switchgrass Fields Harvested for Use as a Biofuel". A presentation at the annual meeting of Landscape Ecologists, US-IALE Twenty-fifth Anniversary Symposium. Contact Les Murray (2010).

Conservation plan for the Golden-winged Warbler by Bird Conservation Initiative, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation. Contact Daniel R. Petit (2009).

U.S. Navy, internal publication prepared by Geo-Marine, Inc. Contact Mike Zickel (2007).

North American Birds, Cover image for the issue#: 4, 2006 (ABA). Contact Ned Brinkley, Brian Sullivan (2006).

Xuan Thuy national park ios App
Xuan Thuy national park Android App
Xuan Thuy national park website
a selection of bird images, Contact Robert Mildenberger and Niklas Schäfer (2015).

West Africa:
Image of Bulwer's Petrel for the White Book on the West African Marine and coastal biodiversity, Livre blanc de la biodiversité marine et côtière en Afrique de l'ouest, Livro branco biodiversidade marinha e costeira naafrica ocidental. The project is supported by PRCM, Contact Régis (2023)